Jeremy FerrallCFP®, CIM, FCSI

Financial Planner

Jeremy Ferrall has spent over 24 years providing financial advice and guidance to clients with varying needs, backgrounds and situations. In addition to his experience, Jeremy possesses his Chartered Investment Manager (CIM®) designation and he is a CFP® professional. This combination of experience and education allows him to address client's questions and concerns and to offer appropriate solutions to their particular situation.

His commitment to continuous learning has also led to him becoming a Fellow of the Canadian Securities Institute (FCSI®), which recognizes meeting high standards for industry education, ethical conduct and experience.

He believes in financial planning, risk management and that outcomes matter. His approach provides clients with confidence and clarity in their personal situation. Jeremy ensures clients know what they own, why they own it, and works to ensure clients feel cared for with genuine and open communication.

Away from the office, Jeremy enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons. He also likes to get involved in community associations and stays active playing hockey and golf.


Insurance products available through Jeremy Ferrall.